Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Space Jump Android App released

Some of you know that over the last few months, a group of 6 students (Matt Leahy, Matt Duce, August Karbowski, Zach Myers, Matt Plazzetti, Will Casio) and I had been working on an Android App called Space Jump, which is based on the Red Bull Stratos event of October 2012, where Felix Baumgartner free falls from over 128,000 above the Earth's surface.
The purpose of the app is to accurately educate the general public on the actual events of the free-fall from the launch of the capsule, to all 37 check list items Felix has to maintain to assure a steady ascent and decent, all the way down to the very dangerous sky dive.  Since there had not been any educational material out there in the form of an application/game/simulation, I thought this would be the best opportunity to make one.  One could sit through hours of video learning about the Stratos event, but most will probably not partake in that.  The application, we made takes roughly 10 minutes to play through (depending on skill level) and will teach a player every important element they need to know.  The application as mentioned above is very accurate, we not only used every real life check list, but all the heads up display elements are exactly the same as they were on TV during the event, as well as camera angles and actual voices by Felix and Mission Control.  We also decided to make the gameplay itself fairly simple by use of gestures during the checklist phase and accelerometer during the falling phase.  The difficulty level makes the simulation appropriate to players of all ages, young or old.
I have released the simulation for free download off my website.  It is a .APK which will only work on Android devices.  We have built it at a low grade for compatibility reasons, so any Android user with version 2.3 or above should not have a problem running the simulation on their device.  The simulation is ad-free and not officially up in any markets because we are not looking to make money off of this product, it is purely for educational purposes.  We are not working with or for Red Bull in any way, they are in no way affiliated with the project.
Below is a video of the simulation... Below that is a link to the .apk download.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Android: Drawing Sprites and Moving with a Virtual D-Pad

Based on student needs to develop a virtual d-pad for use with an animated sprite, I have decided to write out directions on how to do so…
For my example, I decided to create a new class called Draw which will extend View and handle drawing of sprites for both my spritesheets and my d-pad sprites, as well as updating user inputs and sprite movement.  So if you are following along my suggestion is to make a new View class like I have here, complete with a constructor.
public class Drawing extends View {     

       public Drawing(Context context) {


Then in your Activity class, simply set the content view to this View.

View newView = new Drawing(this);
I am first going to make touch controls to one of my arrows, I will choose to make it for my right arrow.  Rule of thumb for most mobile applications is to use .png images for all sprites.  You can put the .png for the arrow(s) in a drawable folder within your project.  The right arrow that I am using is 40x40 pixels and has some spacing around it, which is useful for laying out the other buttons since on a mobile application you may want to leave extra spacing in order to consider multiple thumb/finger sizes.

Next I am going to declare a new Bitmap for my right arrow.
Bitmap rightArrow;
Then within the constructor I am going to define my right arrow as the drawable sprite.
rightArrow = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.rarrow);
I will then make an onDraw method which I will use to draw sprites.
       protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
Within the onDraw method, I will then draw the rightArrow on canvas using the drawBitmap function, which takes a drawable bitmap and an x and y position, I made my x position 50, and my y position 400 so that the arrows are close to the bottom of the screen, however, I suggest that if you want to take advantage of multiple resolutions, to use dynamic parameters, like the screen width and screen height when calculating the x and y positions of each button.  For testing purposes we will just leave these locations as static numbers for now.
              canvas.drawBitmap(rightArrow, 50, 400, null);
I will now create touch events for the d-pad button.  I will start by creating a Boolean method for my touch event, which will return true.
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent touchevent){
              return true;
Within the onTouchEvent method, I listen for Motion Events, to do so I will listen specifically for both ACTION_DOWN and ACTION_UP, so that I can calculate where the user is touching and if they are touching in a specific spot on the screen, I can perform some logic… If the user is not touching  the screen, I can also perform logic for what happens when the user is not touching the screen at all…
So to listen for ACTION_DOWN, simply write an if condition like this.
Within the if condition, calculate an x and y position by use of your newly made touchevent MotionEvent.  It would be best to save these positions in  a float, so I will make two floats called xT and yT, and define them within the ACTION_DOWN if condition like so.
After defining x and y touch locations, create a nested if that will check to see if the user touched anywhere within the vasinity of the right arrow.  So based on the placement and size of the arrow (the arrow in my cases was 40x40), I will check to see if the x position of the touch location is more than or equal to the initial location of the arrow sprite and the x location of the arrow sprite plus the width of the arrow sprite, AND if the touch location is more than or equal to the y location of the arrow and less than the y location plus the length of the sprite.  If it is, we will set a variable, in my case touchR, equal to 1 (TouchR will be an int where we can keep track of if the player touched the right arrow, this could also be a Boolean).
if(xT>=50 && xT<=90 && yT>=400 && yT<=440)
Outside of the ACTION_DOWN if condition, form an ACTION_UP else if condition which will set touchR equal to 0, meaning that the user is no longer touching the screen if ACTION_UP.  So in the end my touch event looks something like this…
       public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent touchevent){
                     if(xT>=50 && xT<=90 && yT>=400 && yT<=440){
              else if(touchevent.getAction()==MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){
                     touchR =0;
              return true;

You can proceed to do this for every arrow you are planning to have, generally you would make a nested if condition to determine the threshold for each arrow on the d-pad.  We will also eventually make an update method which will be responsible for updating our logic and will be called each time the onDraw method is called, but first I would like to skip over properly drawing a spritesheet.  In this case I will be drawing a character spritesheet which has 4 walk cycles, a down, up, left and right cycle.  The spritesheet that I am using is of a very popular character, Chrono.

The important thing with spritesheets is positioning the cycles in proper cells prior to programing them into your application.  If you look at this spritesheet you will notice that the size of it is 192x288. If I divide the width and height by 4 to separate each image in the spritesheet into single cells, I will get 48x72, which in essence becomes the size of each cell.  It is important that row by row, each cell perfectly aligns by both height and width and each image is within its own cell (otherwise portions of a sprite might bleed over to another cell which would cause portions of the wrong cell to play when it is called).  Moreover, you need to always be sure that each sprite sequences properly from cell to cell and the sprites are aligned with a similar pivot point and centering as one another.  When I align sprites, I typically find what I want to be an anchor point of an image and make sure that from cell to cell I use the same anchor point and put it in the exact same position as the previous cells.  For instance if we look at row one, I can use Chrono’s belt buckle as an anchor where I can center the belt buckle in the cell for each image in the walk cycle on row one, this way, when the walk cycle animates, Chrono does not jump around or jitter from frame to frame.  Note centering sprites in their cells is not always the answer, you have to judge where the pixels of each sprite should be based on the animation you are meaning to do.
So first I will declare a Bitmap for my spritesheet.
Bitmap spriteSheet;
Then I will define it in my constructor
spriteSheet = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.chrono);
From here I will also declare a height and width integer that will determine my cell height and width.  Additionally I will need to declare the spritesheet rows and columns based on my spritesheet that I imported.
private int cellWidth;
private int cellHeight;
private static final int spriteSheet_Rows =4;
private static final int spriteSheet_Cols =4;

Then define it in my constructor as the height/width divided by the spritesheet rows/columns.
cellWidth = spriteSheet.getWidth()/spriteSheet_Cols;
cellHeight = spriteSheet.getHeight()/spriteSheet_Rows;
Next, I will draw the spritesheet in the onDraw method, but first I need to define the cells but first I must find a way to keep track of each from I am on within the animation as well as define  rectangles that represent the cells in my spritesheet.  To do that I will need to make 2 integers that will determine the starting x and y positions of my current cell/frame and set them equal to the current frame times the height/width of each cell so that at each frame I will always start drawing at the top left hand corner of the cell.
int sourceX =currFrameWidth* cellWidth;
int sourceY= currFrameHeight* cellHeight;
Note, you will also need to declare currFrameWidth/Height, I declared both of them at 0, so that we start at 0,0 of the spritesheet.
Next I will make a rectangle to determine the dimensions of each cell.  The rectangles take 4 arguments, which is left, top, right and bottom which draw the rectangle.
Rect src= new Rect(sourceX, sourceY, sourceX+ cellWidth, sourceY+ cellHeight);

The next rectangle that I will define will be the destination rectangle which will be where on the location on the canvas that the source rectangle will draw on.  I will use x, y coordinates of the canvas  sized by the length and width of each cell.  Note x and y will start at 0, but will change as the spritesheet updates on screen.
Rect dst= new Rect(x, y, x+ cellWidth, y+ cellHeight);

Lastly I will draw the spritesheet on canvas using the source and destination rectangles.
canvas.drawBitmap(spriteSheet, src, dst, null);

I am also going to make an update method so that I can work the animation and movement logic.
private void update(){

I will call the update method within the onDraw method, additionally I will also call invalidate at the end of the onDraw method which forces the onDraw method to draw again each time it onDraw is called.  My final onDraw method looks something like this.

       protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
              canvas.drawBitmap(rightArrow, 50, 400, null);
              int sourceX =currFrameWidth* cellWidth;
              int sourceY= currFrameHeight* cellHeight;
              Rect src= new Rect(sourceX, sourceY, sourceX+ cellWidth, sourceY+ cellHeight);
              Rect dst= new Rect(x, y, x+ cellWidth, y+ cellHeight);
              canvas.drawBitmap(spriteSheet, src, dst, null);

Within my update method, I can draw my frames.  Since I am doing the right movement in this example, and the right sprites in the spritesheet are on the 3rd row, I will need to set the currFrameHeight to 2 (since each frame starts at 0).  I also only want these frames to be called if the user is pressing down on the right d-pad button, so I can validate this by putting all my right movement touch logic with a touchR if condition like so.
                     currFrameHeight = 2;

Within the if condition right after setting the currFrameHeight, I can calculate the boundaries of the screen so that the character does not move beyond the right side or left side of the screen.  So to do the bounds for the left side of the screen, I basically as if x < 0, then I can set the speed of x to 0 and the currFrameWidth to a standing position which is also 0.  An xSpeed can be created and used in our method by simply declaring xSpeed as an int and defining it as 0.  We will call xSpeed a little later and set that to be the speed of our x movement across the screen.  For now, this is your bounds for the right side of the screen if utilizing xSpeed.
                           currFrameWidth = 0;
Next I can work the bounds of the right side of the screen, the condition that we will check for is to see if the x position is more than the width of the screen (which is the right side of the screen), minus the width of the cell, which is the right side of the cell.  The logic within the if condition would be the same logic for the bounds of the left side of the screen.
      currFrameWidth = 0;
Lastly, I can create an else, which in this case will increase x upon the xSpeed, and increase the current from count.
Within the else you will also want to put another if condition which will check to see if the currFrameWidth is the last cell in the row, and if it is, reset the currFrameWidth to the first cell in the spritesheet.

    currFrameWidth =0;
I will also want to create another if condition that will check to see if the user is not touching the screen.  If they are not touching the screen, I will have the user stop and reset to the first frame in the row.

                     currFrameHeight = 2;
                     currFrameWidth = 0;

In the end my update method looks something like this.
private void update(){
              //moving Right
                     currFrameHeight = 2;
                           currFrameWidth = 0;
                           currFrameWidth = 0;
                           currFrameWidth =0;
                     currFrameHeight = 2;
                     currFrameWidth = 0;

Upon testing, you should be able to press the right direction and the character should move in the right direction so long as you are holding the right d-pad button down until the player runs into the right side of the screen.
Now that you have the framework, you can program the rest of the buttons, which will use very similar logic to our first button.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Unreal Engine 4: Oculus Rift Outdoor Environment Work In Progress

I had thought about making this post somewhat of a step-by-step tutorial about using the Landscape tool in UE4, but upon researching there are already way too many great Landscape tutorials out there both in writing and on youtube.  In fact, Epic does have some amazing write-ups on the Landscape tool already like this one https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Landscape/index.html.  If you are new to the Landscape tool in general, I suggest that you visit that link before continuing to read this post.  If you are already familiar with Landscape from UE3, you are in luck, because UE3 and UE4 landscape tools are extremely similar and most of the tools go by the same naming conventions, building a Landscape Materials and Landscape Layer Blend Materials are also the same in UE4 as they were in UE3.
So for post I would like to share how I utilized the tools in UE4 to make an environment for the Oculus Rift game that I am making.  Stylistically I am trying to go for something that is between photo-real and cartoonish by way of mixing less realistic sculpting with more realistic textures or vice versa… Upon starting my Landscape I had decided to begin with a fairly large Landscape, one that would cover the entire map and implement some realistic textures by way of layering textures with LandscapeLayerWeight nodes in the material editor.  So I started by making some realistic  textures, and porting them to UE4.  UE4 is more forgiving with texture file formats than UE3 was, but for portability and quality reasons I suggest to always stick with .png or .tga files for your textures in almost every scenario. 
After porting the materials, making the material itself works the same way it does in UE4, in your content browser you can just make a new Material and just drag and drop your textures into the material.  Making a LandscapeLayerWeight chain is the same as it is in UE3 as well, my results looked like so (again if you are new to this, my suggestion is to visit the like to the UE4 docs that I provided above).

As you can see from the photo above, I daisy chained the LandscapeLayerWeights, named each layer, and copied the layers over when adding spec maps and normal maps. 
After creating the material I decided to add them to my Landscape by just dragging and dropping the material onto the Landscape (if you create your material prior to making the Landscape, you can just add the material in the material slot before committing to the creation of the Landscape), but either way, they will not show up by default as you can see here.

You will see a little plus button to the right of each texture, there you will need to press it so that you can add a new Landscape Layer Info for each Landscape Layer (in this case it would be all of your textures since each texture is a layer).   Once this is done, painting textures is now possible on the terrain by simply selecting any material layer and using the paint tools to paint the materials onto the terrain.

It is at this point hard to judge if the textures are tiling too much or too little at this point, but the tiles from far away are pretty unattractive.  One can easily fix the tiles by going into the material editor, adding a Texture Coordinate material expression to each UV that I would like to adjust tiling to and simply change the tiling, but we will cover that a bit later in this post.
In addition to painting I decided to also start creating some topology here by using the sculpt tools.  I also wanted to see what the surfaces would look like with proper lighting.  In an outdoor scenario I always choose to use a strong Directional light (especially when casting daytime lighting) because it matches what outdoor lighting is in real life which is light covering a massive amount of area, moving in a single direction ie. The sun or the moon.

There are a few things I started to dislike about my environment other than the fact that the realistic materials that are tiled multiple times may not be what I want… I would have liked more ridged surfaces which could be done by use of the Noise sculpting tool… I also do not like the shiny surfaces, which part of the blame is my spec map, but the other part of the blame is that the default material shader in UE4 has some specular shader to look reflective, this can be corrected which I will show how to do a bit later on… Having reflective surfaces like this aren’t bad especially for wet surfaces, but in my case, I have an environment that looks like plastic.  Stylistically, I decided that this is not what I want, so I decided to start over and try an opposite style which is realistic surfaces with cartoonish, single tiled textures.  Moreover I decided to use a height map which can be created in a number of programs like Photoshop (which is what I often do), but there are other programs out there like World Machine, which allows a user to built topology within the program and be given 2D views of their color map and height map, along with 3D views of their color map and height map applied onto a plane, this is a major step up from programs like Photoshop.  So I created a height map in World Machine with textures that I liked, and ended up with height, color, normal and spec maps that look like this.

I then ported all of these into UE4, and this time upon creating my Landscape, I created it through importing a height map…. Note that your height map must be either a grayscale 16-bit PNG, or an 8-bit .RAW file.
I also created a new Material which only had my Texture Sample, Normal Map and Spec map.

But upon applying the material to the Landscape, the material for my Landscape looked like this.

The issues here are that the spec map is causing even more shininess and the textures are being tiled over too many times, only a single tiling should cover the surface… So to fix these issues I added more material expressions, like Texture Coordinate and I set the U and the V to something very low like .00045, so the material stretches across the entire surface.  I also added a constant to the specular and made the constant 0 so I have absolutely no shininess covering my surface.

Looks much better!
I also needed to play with things like lighting, fog and the sky.  I first added my directional light again, but this time I did add a little bit of a yellow tint to the color of the lighting because generally outdoor lighting in real life is not a straight white color, you can determine what color your lights should be when creating your levels.. Lighting should not be overlooked or rushed in any way since it determines the mood of your levels. 

Also, I added some exponential height fog to my level because I am planning on having a very foggy valley but I also do not want the player to see the lower edges of the Landscape when they look out into the distance, fog is a great way to cover up these spots.  With Exponential Height fog and Directional lighting, a ground view of my environment looks like this.

Next I added an Atmospheric Fog and adjusted the rotation of the fog.  This Fog is awesome because it not only creates a fog that can set a color gradient which can be displayed in the sky, but it also comes with the ability to enable a disc which can act as a sun.  For my level there is really no need to have a sky dome, the Atmospheric Fog does everything that I want it to do.

Upon looking around my environment I did start to notice many areas that needed touching up, particularly areas that had some flat plateaus that I wanted smoothed out.

By use of the Erosion sculpting tool I was easily able to smooth these out, but upon a lit environment some stretching showed.  No worries, the Smoothing tool does the trick here!  So these are final results by use of working with a small area by use of a conjunction of various sculpting tools like the Erosion and Smooth tools…

Note the plateaus are okay and can be rather realistic, in fact I chose to keep many of them in different areas of my level, there were just some areas where I wanted these plateaus and other areas where I wanted more of a smooth surface.
These are my final results.

Later on this week, I will be adding water into the valley and I may be revisiting some alternative textures for my level.  In addition to this I will be adding the music that I would like to use for this particular area in the game and post a video that includes all of this.  I may be showing off some alternate screenshots and/or videos which may include various gameplay speeds, textures, lighting and water.  So I will be looking for input on all of these things via blog responses or social networking.  Stay tuned!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Unreal Engine 4: Come Fly With Me, an Oculus Flying Rail Shooter

Those who have already migrated from Unreal Engine 3 to Unreal Engine 4 know that Unreal Engine 4 is vastly different and that there is a lot to learn… Over last summer I had acquired an Oculus Rift for the purpose of development in UDK.  The project has been just a personal side-project where I had been focused on developing a first-person Star Fox style rail shooter.  Many parts of the project I would like to keep secret until development is in more complete stages.  Since the public release of Unreal Engine 4, I am now focused on migrating my project to Unreal Engine 4, this does mean starting the framework of the project over since Unreal Script is no more, but the logic behind my game will remain the same, so it is a matter of working with different syntax and a different (yet in some ways similar) editor. 
Those who have dove into Unreal Engine 4 know that we have full access to C++, and all the coding can be done in Visual Studio through C++.  For many programmers C++ can be daunting but I assure you Epic Games has done an excellent job with providing an initial framework and many helpful functions which can be used by developers like us.  So let’s get started…
My first steps in redeveloping my game in C++ is to set up my player, controls, physics ect.  For me, a great starting point was the Code First Person which was provided as a starting point by Epic. 

The defaults for this project is a character mesh in first person view which holds a weapon and can walk around in full 3D space.  We of course need to change this up quite a bit if we are to make a Star Fox style rail shooter.

The first steps I will do is change the way in which the player pawn is controlled.  In your newly made Visual Studio Project (note, I am using Visual Studio 2013 for this), you will need to go into your source directory within your project, and find your Character.cpp and Character.h files (this would normally be named [the name of your project]Character).  I will first notice that functions for MoveForward, MoveRight, and turning are already written for us, but I will need the player to move up, a simple way to do this is to copy the contents of an existing movement ( MoveRight), and modify it so that it uses up and down directions.  The MoveRight function looks like this.
void AOculusGameCharacter::MoveRight(float Value)
       if (Value != 0.0f)
              // find out which way is right
              const FRotator Rotation = GetControlRotation();
              const FRotator YawRotation(0, Rotation.Yaw, 0);

              // Get right vector
              const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::Y);

              // add movement in that direction
              AddMovementInput(Direction, Value);
I will copy it over and modify it by declaring a new function in  the Character header file.
void MoveUp(float Val);

Then calling the function in the Character cpp file.
void AOculusGameCharacter::MoveUp(float Value)
 Then following the logic of the MoveRight function to find which way is up and down using pitch as a rotator instead of yaw.
const FRotator Rotation = GetControlRotation();
              const FRotator PitchRotation(0, Rotation.Pitch, 0);
Followed by setting the direction vector to the Z direction instead of Y.
const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(PitchRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::Z);
And then setting the input to move that direction when the input is pressed.
AddMovementInput(Direction, Value);
You can then encapsulate this logic in an  if condition which finds if the value of the input is not equal to 0.0, then do the movement logic.  Note, this function listens for an input and that input gives us a value depending on a scalar that we can give that input, so in theory we can have the Up key scale the value parameter by 1.0f which will set the Z direction positive which is up, and we could have a Down key scale the value parameter by -1.0f which will make the Z value negative thus moving the character in the down direction.  When we are done writing our function we can make the inputs for this.  In the end my MoveUp function looks like this.
void AOculusGameCharacter::MoveUp(float Value)
       if (Value != 0.0f)
              // find out which way is right
              const FRotator Rotation = GetControlRotation();
              const FRotator PitchRotation(0, Rotation.Pitch, 0);

              // Get right vector
              const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(PitchRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::Z);

              // add movement in that direction
              AddMovementInput(Direction, Value);
Now we need to have button inputs scale the Value parameter as I mentioned in the paragraph above.  So head into your Config folder and open DefaultInput.ini.  You will of course notice ActionNames and AxisNames, since we are scaling a parameter and applying it to a scalar, we will be using AxisNames.  Since we have 2 keys to use, I we will need to have two AxisNames both equal to Move Up.  So to have W equal to the up direction this would be the input for up.
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="MoveUp", Key=W, Scale=1.f)
And if we were wanting the character to move the down direction by pressing the S key, we would simply change the Key to S and change the Scale to -1.f so it can set the Value of the MoveUp parameter to -1.  Additionally, if you already have W and S movements for functions like MoveForward, you should comment these out or delete them.
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="MoveUp", Key=S, Scale=-1.f)
Lastly, you will need to head back into the Character.cpp file and set the key binding for MoveUp within the SetupPlayerInputComponent so that when the player does press one of the MoveUp buttons, it calls the function which sets the direction and character movement.
InputComponent->BindAxis("MoveUp", this, &AOculusGameCharacter::MoveUp);
This should compile with no warnings or errors, but the character will not move up or down at will because by default the character’s physics is set to Walking, which won’t allow a player to move freely into the air.  We need to set the character’s physics to Flying.  In theory you can set this wherever you want, but logically you will want to place this in a spot where it most logically will start.  Since I want flying to start upon player interaction with the game and player starts controlling the game upon firing, I will put a calling to Flying right at the top of the OnFire function.  I may change the way in which the player starts on a future date, but for right now having the player Fire and start will work out for what I am trying to do.  Below is the code that sets the players physics to Flying.  As opposed to Unreal Engine 3, Unreal Engine 4 will use SetMovementMode rather than SetPhysics, inherently this is very similar, since SetMovemementMode contains an enumerator that has various character movement modes such as MOVE_Flying, MOVE_Walking, MOVE_None, ect.
If you play test this you should notice that upon firing, the player will be able to freely fly in all directions… But I want to allow our character to move on a rail and again, similar to Star Fox.  So the easiest way to do that would be to go back to the Character.cpp file and change the MoveFoward function to automatically MoveFoward.  To do that I will eliminate the need to press a button by removing the if condition that checks to see if the Value is not equal to 0.  I will then zero out the YawRotation variable, because forward will just be whichever direction the player spawns at, we no longer care about direction other than what forward is.
FRotator YawRotation(0, 0, 0);
Then I can set the value of AddMovementInput to some constant (note, the higher the constant the faster the player will move forward, I am setting mine to 1).
 AddMovementInput(Direction, 1);
When finished, my MoveFoward function looks like this.
void AOculusGameCharacter::MoveForward(float Value)
              // find out which way is forward
              const FRotator Rotation = GetControlRotation();
              FRotator YawRotation(0, 0, 0);

              // Get forward vector
              const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X);

              // add movement in that direction
              AddMovementInput(Direction, 1);

Upon play testing we get closer to the results we need, but the player will now rush forward immediately before the player presses fire to actually start playing.  So I figured the best thing to do is to encapsulate the movement logic into a bool.  If the bool is true, we MoveFoward, if not we do nothing.  So you would need to declare a bool variable and define it as false somewhere outside of your function.
bool started = false;
Then upon firing (since firing starts the game at this point), set started equal to true. I set this at the top of my OnFire function.
void AOculusGameCharacter::OnFire()
       started = true;
       // try and fire a projectile
       if (ProjectileClass != NULL)
              const FRotator SpawnRotation = GetControlRotation();
              // MuzzleOffset is in camera space, so transform it to world space before offsetting from the character location to find the final muzzle position
              const FVector SpawnLocation = GetActorLocation() + SpawnRotation.RotateVector(GunOffset);

              UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
              if (World != NULL)
                     // spawn the projectile at the muzzle
                     World->SpawnActor<AOculusGameProjectile>(ProjectileClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation);

       // try and play the sound if specified
       if (FireSound != NULL)
              UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(this, FireSound, GetActorLocation());

       // try and play a firing animation if specified
       if(FireAnimation != NULL)
              // Get the animation object for the arms mesh
              UAnimInstance* AnimInstance = Mesh1P->GetAnimInstance();
              if(AnimInstance != NULL)
                     AnimInstance->Montage_Play(FireAnimation, 1.f);

Lastly, I encapsulated the logic within my MoveFoward function in an If started equals true.
void AOculusGameCharacter::MoveForward(float Value)
       if (started == true)
              // find out which way is forward
              const FRotator Rotation = GetControlRotation();
              FRotator YawRotation(0, 0, 0);

              // Get forward vector
              const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X);

              // add movement in that direction
              AddMovementInput(Direction, 1);
So the logic is basically, started equals false at the start of the program.  When the player presses fire, start is set to true which also begins to move the player forward.  Upon testing the game now, you should notice that the player moves freely up, down left and right, and gets pushed forward.  You will notice that the player can still turn their view with the mouse button, since we are constantly moving forward, when the player turns the player will not switch directions which is exactly what I want.  If for whatever reason you did not want that, for instance if you did not want “head turning”, you can eliminate the functions and function calls of turning (or the keybinds that allow for turning , which is even easier).  Since we are building this for the Oculus, I want the player to freely be able to turn their head as they are flying through the air, again this is a pure design call…
I also want my game to work with the Xbox 360 controller.  By default most of the keybinds are in the DefaultInput.ini file for these controls, but MoveFoward is set to the left stick Y direction (up and down),  we need to set MoveUp to be in the Left stick Y direction instead.
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="MoveUp", Key=Gamepad_LeftY, Scale=1.f)
The right analog stick is set well for the Y direction, (LookUpRate), but not set for the X direction, so to do that I will make the X direction to call turning.
+AxisMappings=(AxisName="Turn", Key=Gamepad_RightX, Scale=1.f)
Since the logic for these functions are already set up, we do not need to do anything else.  If you are doing this all from scratch just note that the logic is very similar to the logic that we did above for MoveUp, we will just be calling and utilizing different axis. If you play test this, you should notice that your Xbox360 controller should work well with the left thumbstick moving the character around, right thumbstick allowing the character to look in 360 degrees, and right trigger allowing the player to fire.
In accordance to my design, I also do not want the player to actually see the character mesh, however upon later testing I may decide to use a character mesh.  So for now one of the tricks that I utilized within the inlitization of my player character in the Character.cpp file is SetOwnerNoSee() which is a function call that can be set to true or false.  If it is true, the player cannot see their own mesh, and if it is false the player can see their own mesh, so I set this to true.
We will now be able to test out the Oculus Rift with this and see if everything with the Oculus Rift works with our likings.  Lucky for us, Oculus Rift for Unreal Engine 4 is plug and play so we may not have to do anything in order to get it to work.

 Just kidding, the Star Fox music is just for fun.  I have something much better in mind for the real game.  In the next Unreal 4 blog I will show what I have done with Landscape.  So I will take a little break with coding and play around with creating an environment that fits the game.