Saturday, May 31, 2014

Unreal Engine 4: Oculus Rift Outdoor Environment Work In Progress

I had thought about making this post somewhat of a step-by-step tutorial about using the Landscape tool in UE4, but upon researching there are already way too many great Landscape tutorials out there both in writing and on youtube.  In fact, Epic does have some amazing write-ups on the Landscape tool already like this one  If you are new to the Landscape tool in general, I suggest that you visit that link before continuing to read this post.  If you are already familiar with Landscape from UE3, you are in luck, because UE3 and UE4 landscape tools are extremely similar and most of the tools go by the same naming conventions, building a Landscape Materials and Landscape Layer Blend Materials are also the same in UE4 as they were in UE3.
So for post I would like to share how I utilized the tools in UE4 to make an environment for the Oculus Rift game that I am making.  Stylistically I am trying to go for something that is between photo-real and cartoonish by way of mixing less realistic sculpting with more realistic textures or vice versa… Upon starting my Landscape I had decided to begin with a fairly large Landscape, one that would cover the entire map and implement some realistic textures by way of layering textures with LandscapeLayerWeight nodes in the material editor.  So I started by making some realistic  textures, and porting them to UE4.  UE4 is more forgiving with texture file formats than UE3 was, but for portability and quality reasons I suggest to always stick with .png or .tga files for your textures in almost every scenario. 
After porting the materials, making the material itself works the same way it does in UE4, in your content browser you can just make a new Material and just drag and drop your textures into the material.  Making a LandscapeLayerWeight chain is the same as it is in UE3 as well, my results looked like so (again if you are new to this, my suggestion is to visit the like to the UE4 docs that I provided above).

As you can see from the photo above, I daisy chained the LandscapeLayerWeights, named each layer, and copied the layers over when adding spec maps and normal maps. 
After creating the material I decided to add them to my Landscape by just dragging and dropping the material onto the Landscape (if you create your material prior to making the Landscape, you can just add the material in the material slot before committing to the creation of the Landscape), but either way, they will not show up by default as you can see here.

You will see a little plus button to the right of each texture, there you will need to press it so that you can add a new Landscape Layer Info for each Landscape Layer (in this case it would be all of your textures since each texture is a layer).   Once this is done, painting textures is now possible on the terrain by simply selecting any material layer and using the paint tools to paint the materials onto the terrain.

It is at this point hard to judge if the textures are tiling too much or too little at this point, but the tiles from far away are pretty unattractive.  One can easily fix the tiles by going into the material editor, adding a Texture Coordinate material expression to each UV that I would like to adjust tiling to and simply change the tiling, but we will cover that a bit later in this post.
In addition to painting I decided to also start creating some topology here by using the sculpt tools.  I also wanted to see what the surfaces would look like with proper lighting.  In an outdoor scenario I always choose to use a strong Directional light (especially when casting daytime lighting) because it matches what outdoor lighting is in real life which is light covering a massive amount of area, moving in a single direction ie. The sun or the moon.

There are a few things I started to dislike about my environment other than the fact that the realistic materials that are tiled multiple times may not be what I want… I would have liked more ridged surfaces which could be done by use of the Noise sculpting tool… I also do not like the shiny surfaces, which part of the blame is my spec map, but the other part of the blame is that the default material shader in UE4 has some specular shader to look reflective, this can be corrected which I will show how to do a bit later on… Having reflective surfaces like this aren’t bad especially for wet surfaces, but in my case, I have an environment that looks like plastic.  Stylistically, I decided that this is not what I want, so I decided to start over and try an opposite style which is realistic surfaces with cartoonish, single tiled textures.  Moreover I decided to use a height map which can be created in a number of programs like Photoshop (which is what I often do), but there are other programs out there like World Machine, which allows a user to built topology within the program and be given 2D views of their color map and height map, along with 3D views of their color map and height map applied onto a plane, this is a major step up from programs like Photoshop.  So I created a height map in World Machine with textures that I liked, and ended up with height, color, normal and spec maps that look like this.

I then ported all of these into UE4, and this time upon creating my Landscape, I created it through importing a height map…. Note that your height map must be either a grayscale 16-bit PNG, or an 8-bit .RAW file.
I also created a new Material which only had my Texture Sample, Normal Map and Spec map.

But upon applying the material to the Landscape, the material for my Landscape looked like this.

The issues here are that the spec map is causing even more shininess and the textures are being tiled over too many times, only a single tiling should cover the surface… So to fix these issues I added more material expressions, like Texture Coordinate and I set the U and the V to something very low like .00045, so the material stretches across the entire surface.  I also added a constant to the specular and made the constant 0 so I have absolutely no shininess covering my surface.

Looks much better!
I also needed to play with things like lighting, fog and the sky.  I first added my directional light again, but this time I did add a little bit of a yellow tint to the color of the lighting because generally outdoor lighting in real life is not a straight white color, you can determine what color your lights should be when creating your levels.. Lighting should not be overlooked or rushed in any way since it determines the mood of your levels. 

Also, I added some exponential height fog to my level because I am planning on having a very foggy valley but I also do not want the player to see the lower edges of the Landscape when they look out into the distance, fog is a great way to cover up these spots.  With Exponential Height fog and Directional lighting, a ground view of my environment looks like this.

Next I added an Atmospheric Fog and adjusted the rotation of the fog.  This Fog is awesome because it not only creates a fog that can set a color gradient which can be displayed in the sky, but it also comes with the ability to enable a disc which can act as a sun.  For my level there is really no need to have a sky dome, the Atmospheric Fog does everything that I want it to do.

Upon looking around my environment I did start to notice many areas that needed touching up, particularly areas that had some flat plateaus that I wanted smoothed out.

By use of the Erosion sculpting tool I was easily able to smooth these out, but upon a lit environment some stretching showed.  No worries, the Smoothing tool does the trick here!  So these are final results by use of working with a small area by use of a conjunction of various sculpting tools like the Erosion and Smooth tools…

Note the plateaus are okay and can be rather realistic, in fact I chose to keep many of them in different areas of my level, there were just some areas where I wanted these plateaus and other areas where I wanted more of a smooth surface.
These are my final results.

Later on this week, I will be adding water into the valley and I may be revisiting some alternative textures for my level.  In addition to this I will be adding the music that I would like to use for this particular area in the game and post a video that includes all of this.  I may be showing off some alternate screenshots and/or videos which may include various gameplay speeds, textures, lighting and water.  So I will be looking for input on all of these things via blog responses or social networking.  Stay tuned!

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